KusKhus|Poppy Seeds Halwa

                                                                           KusKhus Ka Halwa


* KusKhus|Poppy Seeds 1Cup ( Soaked Overnight)
* Almonds 1Cup (Soaked Overnight)
* Sugar  3/4 Cup
* Ghee 1Cup


* Soaked Almonds And KusKhus Seeds|Poppy in hot water for overnight.
*  Drain Water Grind KusKhus and Almonds Separately make a Semi- Thick paste. If required add 1tsp Milk.
*  Heat Ghee In an Iron Pan. Saute KusKhus And Almonds until halwa turns to semi-solid consistency and stops sticking to the pan.
*  Add sugar Syrup.
* Remove from flame Garnish with Almonds

Serve Hot Hot Yummy Halwa.


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